Friday 30 December 2011

Who I Am, What I Do

Hey guys! So I'm going to switch it up a bit and make this bog more interesting by writing reviews, tips, secrets and update on my journey towards clear skin.

I'll tell you guys a bit about myself.
The cleanser that I used that broke me out.
My face started producing over-excessive oil on my T-zone when I was in grade 9. I've had blackheads on my nose since I was in grade 7 and they never seem to go away no matter what I do. I have acne scars on my cheeks and forehead which is extremely embarrassing and sometimes I cry at night because of my acne. It has ruined my emotionally and sometimes, I can't look at people in the eye. If you have acne, I know how you feel and this blog is for all of those who suffer from combination/oily/acne-prone skin and I wish to share my journey with you guys.

I had a major break out sometime in November. My face looked like a pizza, literally not human at all. I believe it was due to the cleanser I was using which was Kiehl's Rare Earth Deep Pore Daily Cleanser but that didn't stop me from using it. I heard that it takes about one or two months for your face to get used to a new cleanser and break-outs are common and eventually, sometimes it will get better. I've used this for three months and I had enough of my pizza face so I went to the doctor to get some help. Yes, the doctor. Not a dermatologist.
They gave me a prescription cream that I'm using, till today (I got it exactly 2 weeks ago) and it's helped calmed my face down, although it looks like I'll be left with a whole bunch of scars and I'm trying to prevent that from happening.

I have now switched cleansers and I'm trying to detox my body (by drinking lemon juice everyday [I just started today by the way and I'll write how that's going after a week or two]) so I'll update you guys on how I'm doing a week later.

My Spectro-Jel Cleanser. 
If you want to know what type of cleanser I'm using right now, I'm using Spectro Jel Blemish-Prone Skin Cleanser. 

I use Desert Essence Jojoba Oil as my moisturizer and I just started (as in yesturday) using a plain yogurt masque with honey.Everything I mentioned here will be reviews in a few weeks or so and updated, thank guys and wish me luck!

Saturday 29 October 2011


So my computer just decides that a few days ago was okay to let me download my sims. I have absolutely no clue how it happened, but it just did. So my CD ram thing is working again.
Ohhhh the joy of not having to pay hundreds of dollars because I thought my computer was broken.
Anyways, I'm going to create another blog site on blogger for my sims 3 story, so that's something to look forward too.
Anyways, that's my update for today! I'll post the link ASAP! (:


Sunday 9 October 2011


Okay, so it's not COMPLETELY broken's considered broken by  my standards.
The disk thingy is broken. >_> I can't download the sims or play DVD's or do shiz. It suckkkssss so I'm gonna get it repaired. Can't wait for my story to launch. :3 I'm gonna make another site for that. This'll just be my daily blabs and reviews from time to time.

So don't worry ya'll. I'll still be here.


Saturday 1 October 2011

Happy Birthday to....Me!

Well, it's finally my birthday!
Sweet 16 baby~
Hah, ohya, that's my crown right there.

And my facebook's getting raped by birthday comments. Man oh man do I feel old. Well...older than the kids who are younger than me. ;)
Me ;D

So here's a little update since I haven't posted reviews on shiz in such a long time. Just wanted to shout out to ya'll that it's my birthday. (Did I just type "ya'll"? That's so unCanadian)

I don't know when the next review will be. I'm so lazy. T_T It takes up quite a while because I want it to be perfect all the time! D:<

Oh, and I've been thinking of making a story on The Sims 3. I'll still be doing reviews but I'll also be posting updates on my story. I just need to buy TS3. T_T But if I go on with that plan on creating a story for TS3, should I make a new blog for my sims 3 story or should I just post it all in one blog?
Help? D:


Saturday 20 August 2011

Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleanser Review

Hey all! Sorry I haven't done reviews in quite a while!
So I'm going to start off with the Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleanser for acne-prone skin.
I have an oily face and have to blot quite a few times throughout the day and I have to say, this cleanser is the peanut butter to my jelly. (Okay, that was corny but bear with me here) I've been using it for about 6 months and I don't think I'm going to try any other cleansers, ever again. It doesn't get rid of every single acne known to man but it does a good job on keeping my skin clean and prevents acne. I also blot less than I usually do which is a major plus.
Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleanser
 It's very mild, good for those who have sensitive & acne-prone skin, like me.
The packaging
The packaging looks very...Aveeno. No words to describe it, it's just a bottle, haha.
It contains 180mL of product and claims that this product gives you "clear even-looking skin."
 The packaging is nice because it contains a pumps with a lid to prevent dust & bacteria from getting into the product.
I normally use 2 pumps for my face and neck.
The product
This is what the product looks like, white foam. It smells nice in my opinion. It contains salicylic acid and moisture-rich soy extracts which help prevent acne.
Close up on the foam
 It's oil-free, soap free, hypoallergenic & non-comedogenic.
Lathering the foam
 After applying the foam on clean hands, lather the foam all over your face and neck to give it a nice, smooth consistency. I usually count to 1 minute until I rinse it off with cold water.
Back of the bottle
 The back of the bottle tells you the ingredients used to create the product.
Close-up on the back of the packaging

 Products always contain some sort of description that attracts costumers into buying their product.
Instructions on how to properly use the product.

I bought this cleanser at my local drug store for $14. It's quite pricey compared to other cleansers but it works for my face so I'll continue using this. Always remember that everyone has a different skin type and it may not work for you like it does for me but I would give it a try if you're trying to fnd a cleanser.

Well, that's it for today. 


Friday 8 July 2011

Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips Review

Sup guys!
So today, I'm gonna do a review on the Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips (Argghh, the name is so long) So, let's start.
Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips
These pore strips instantly remove pore-clogging dirt, oil and blackheads. I give this a 9/10 simply because it takes out most of that gunk that's been sitting in my pores. Why won't I give it a 10/10? Because it's extremely expensive. Bought mine for $20.00 at Shoppers Drug Mart. You can buy it at your local Wal-Mart, Target or anywhere that has a face cleansing aisle (I don't know what else to call it). I recently found out that there are other cheaper versions of these so I'll try those out since these ones are way too expensive for only 14 strips. That's the only thing I don't like about this. Other than that, these work like magic.
The Packet
Each package come with 6, 8 or 14 strips depending on what you buy. There are also combination packages which contain strips for your nose and forehead. I bought the one that came with 14 nose strips since I tend to get a lot of blackheads in that area.. The packet makes sure your strip stays a bit moistened. When you open it, be sure to use it immediatly when it's soft because the strip will become hard within about 15 minutes prior to opening to packet making it difficult to put on your nose.
Instructions On Packet
There are instructions on each packet, and also at the back of the package. Be sure to follow each step! Oh, and I recommend using warm water to loosen the blackheads making it easier for the strip to take off the gunk. (Nice word, I know eh?)
Hamz Holding the Pore Strip
This pore strip is specifically for the nose. I guess you could use it elsewhere one the body'll just look weird since it's curved. Now for putting it on...
The Strip On My Nose
Let the strip sit on your nose for 10-15 minutes or until it feels like paper mâché.
Now for the fun part...taking it off!
Let me warn you, the first time you use it, it will hurt like hell but I've been using this for years now (kind of on and off, I've been using it more, recently) so I'm immune to the pain when taking it off.
The Gunk!
So this is the aftermath. My pores feel refreshed once again because most of the gunk came out. By the way...there's a satisfying feeling when you look at all the pore-clogging dirt that's come out of your nose. I don't know why but I like to stare at it for a long time and think "haha, you lil bishies." I'm an oddball, I know.
That's what's been sitting in my nose for the past 4 days.
I recommend using this once every 3 days because when I started re-using the pore strips again (about 3 months ago), I had way more come out of my nose than this but it's been reducing lately which is definitely a good sign!
Be sure to wash your nose with cold water or get an ice cube and rub it on your nose to close up your pores.

That's it, thanks for reading~


New Stuff

Hey guys! So I made a ton of new accounts [Mainly because I was bored, haha] and if you want to follow me, that would be great!
So first off, I have Twitter: Click Click
Tumblr: Clicky~
Flickr: Clickerz
MyAnimeList: Click Away~

Alright! That's it for now~
Ciao hunz.


Wednesday 6 July 2011

Urban Decay Primer Review

Hey guys!
So I've been using the Urban Decay Potion Primer for quite a long time and I can safely say, that this is an amazing product and by far my favourite product out of all the things I have.
Urban Decay Primer Potion

Let me tell you a little bit about primers. Well, to make the long story short, it just lets your eye make-up sit on your eye area (specifically lids) for a longer period of time. This is especially good for those who have oily eyelids, like me.
I get creases easily, like after an hour, my lids start forming a crease.
This has really helped my eyeshadow and gel eyeliner sit on my lids for a longer period of time, 5 hours. It may not seem much but that means I don't have to do touch-ups every hour.
Please note that this is my first primer and there may be others that are better than this but I've done my research and read many reviews and decided to go with this. It's quite pricey. If I remember correctly, I bought this for $25.00 but I've had it for 5 months and it's not even close to being finished.
What the wand and product looks like.
The product itself is a creamy constistancy and you only need a very small amount on your lids (hence, the long usage). Do not smother it on your eye and DO NOT TUG ON YOUR EYE. Simply tap it gently in a left/right motion until the product becomes translucent along your eyelids. Remember: The skin around your eye is 10 times more delicate than the skin on your face so take extra good care of the skin surrounding your eyes.
The wand looks like a lipgloss applicator which surprised me, but you just have to tap a tiny dot on the area desired and use your fingers to do the rest.

The wand and the packaging.
The packaging is very cute! And it's purple (my favourite colour!!!).

I will continue purchasing this because it's simply awesome. 'Nuff said? I think so.



Thursday 16 June 2011

Riot in Vancouver

So yesturday, I went to downtown Vancouver with my buds to watch the hockey game. It was really fun watching the big screen at Canada Place. So it's the Stanly Cup, right? We're all cheering like there's no tomorrow even though it's 4-0. People are disappointed but it's a game, right? There's always next year and besides, the Canucks did a really good job. We stayed till the end but unfortunatly, we didn't win the Stanly Cup. But good job to Bruins. I love the 'Nucks so I'll continue to support them.
 So then some idiots in Canucks jerseys decide it would be fun to trash VanCity. I wasn't there. I went home right after the game because I kind of expected a riot but I didn't think it would be this big. So my friends and I went to the seabus terminal and all of a sudden, these two guys start punching each other and going at it for a few minutes but luckily the police was there to stop them.
Then on the seabus we hear rumors of a car being lit on fire and the police using tear gas, which was all true.
Once I got home, I rushed to the TV to check out the news. It was already on Global news (oh gawd) and checked CTV to see more damage being done. Apparently they lost count on how many cars were set on fire. There were lots of looting too from M.A.C. (noooo, one of my fav stores!), London Drugs, The Bay, Sears and many other stores.
Police had a hard time calming down the mobs because a lot of people were using drugs and had access to alcohol.

Vancouver was a total mess last night because of some sore losers and I swear they're not  Vancouverites. We're much better than this because today, many people went to downtown to clean up our beautiful city. It's emberassing and disappointing but we'll pass this because Vancouver is a great city with a wonderful community.

Saturday 4 June 2011


So the Canucks, eh?

Yup, that's right, we scored a goal today so now it's 2-2 with Boston. The Stanly Cup is getting everyone nervous and, oh man, I don't even have to watch the game to know we scored. Everyone just keeps on screaming like there's no tomorrow. I would love to buy a Canucks jersey...but it's extremely expensive, seriously. Anyways, Go Canucks Go! We'll definitely win this, just wait and see.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

LD♥K Obsession

Hey guys, this is my first manga review, truth be told, this is gonna be emberassing as I've never reviewed anything before but I thought I'd do this because I'm seriously obsessed with this manga, named LD♥K. It's absolutely amazing! Speaking of manga, I finally reached reading 300 mangas! Woohoo!!!
Okay, on to LD♥K
Isn't this cover totally hot? Oh mah gawd. *Dies*
Genre is Shoujo (Duhz), Romance, School Life & Comedy (No kidding, it can be hilarious!!!) [Yars, no smut! <--- not a big smut fan]
This manga is about a girl named Aoi, who lives in an apartment, alone because she didn't want to leave her friends (her parents are still alive but they moved elsewhere). So one day, her best friend confesses to the prince of the school Shuuesi, but gets coldly turned down. Aoi, the fiesty woman she is, is not content with him being cold to her friend. Turns out, Shuusei is her next door neighbour. (Woooooo I made my own summary of the story...yeah...I totally suck with summaries HAHA)
There are currently 10 chapters (in english) and I'm eagerly waiting for the 11th one. When I mean eagerly, I mean checking everyday to see if it's been updated. You can easily read it on mangafox or other manga hosting sites but for those of you who are extremely lazy (like me) I'll be nice and post the link (ONLY because I'm obsessed, nothing else....pshhh): Click here~
That's all I'm gonna say for now. 8) Buahaha but seriously, you have to read it! I got hooked after reading the first 3 pages. If you don't read it, then go eat pie! (Yes, that's generally what I use for insults) By the way, LDK stands for Living, Dining, Kitchen. It won't make sense unless you read it. Yeahhh? Yeahhh??? *Poke* *Poke* *Nudge* *Nudge*
If you guys want me to review other manga, comment below. (:
Ciao for now~

Friday 6 May 2011

Make-up Contest?

My fav! So I was browsing through youtube about BB Cream and I come across this really awesome girl who used Skin79 BB Cream. I was listening to her reviews and clicked on the description box below and WA-BAM. (Okay, that was lame, I've gotta admit) and epicly enough, she has her own blog on blogger. :)
Annnnddd apparently she has a contest and OMG, so phsyched, seriously. Click here and check it out.
I was so excited just staring at all those asian stuff...and high-end make-up.
Ahhh, so exciting. I honestly love contests, regardless of the prize.
But it's make-up, and I definitely cannot live without it...okay, maybe I can but make-up is my inspiration. I know we're all naturally beautiful but I like how make-up enhances that beauty.
Well, thanks for reading~!


Hello all! I'm new here, hope that's okay if I'm a noob at blogging. I've never really blogged in my life but I just felt like doing it now.

It was be pretty cheesy if I say "Hope we can all be friends and live happily ever after"
Uhm...yeah, no. That's not really me.

Well, I'll start a bit about myself.

- I love reading manga, omg.
- I like to swim
- FOOOOOOOOOOOD /nuff said.
- Games ftw?
- Random? Very.
- /Hangs out with odd people
- Is hungry AS WE you read?
- Anime is awesome
- One day, I wanna travel around the world.
- Hi!
- I need makeup

So anyways, hope you guys like me. Hopefully I'll be able to entertain you with (?) life.
Now, off to eat!