Friday 30 December 2011

Who I Am, What I Do

Hey guys! So I'm going to switch it up a bit and make this bog more interesting by writing reviews, tips, secrets and update on my journey towards clear skin.

I'll tell you guys a bit about myself.
The cleanser that I used that broke me out.
My face started producing over-excessive oil on my T-zone when I was in grade 9. I've had blackheads on my nose since I was in grade 7 and they never seem to go away no matter what I do. I have acne scars on my cheeks and forehead which is extremely embarrassing and sometimes I cry at night because of my acne. It has ruined my emotionally and sometimes, I can't look at people in the eye. If you have acne, I know how you feel and this blog is for all of those who suffer from combination/oily/acne-prone skin and I wish to share my journey with you guys.

I had a major break out sometime in November. My face looked like a pizza, literally not human at all. I believe it was due to the cleanser I was using which was Kiehl's Rare Earth Deep Pore Daily Cleanser but that didn't stop me from using it. I heard that it takes about one or two months for your face to get used to a new cleanser and break-outs are common and eventually, sometimes it will get better. I've used this for three months and I had enough of my pizza face so I went to the doctor to get some help. Yes, the doctor. Not a dermatologist.
They gave me a prescription cream that I'm using, till today (I got it exactly 2 weeks ago) and it's helped calmed my face down, although it looks like I'll be left with a whole bunch of scars and I'm trying to prevent that from happening.

I have now switched cleansers and I'm trying to detox my body (by drinking lemon juice everyday [I just started today by the way and I'll write how that's going after a week or two]) so I'll update you guys on how I'm doing a week later.

My Spectro-Jel Cleanser. 
If you want to know what type of cleanser I'm using right now, I'm using Spectro Jel Blemish-Prone Skin Cleanser. 

I use Desert Essence Jojoba Oil as my moisturizer and I just started (as in yesturday) using a plain yogurt masque with honey.Everything I mentioned here will be reviews in a few weeks or so and updated, thank guys and wish me luck!


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