Saturday 1 October 2011

Happy Birthday to....Me!

Well, it's finally my birthday!
Sweet 16 baby~
Hah, ohya, that's my crown right there.

And my facebook's getting raped by birthday comments. Man oh man do I feel old. Well...older than the kids who are younger than me. ;)
Me ;D

So here's a little update since I haven't posted reviews on shiz in such a long time. Just wanted to shout out to ya'll that it's my birthday. (Did I just type "ya'll"? That's so unCanadian)

I don't know when the next review will be. I'm so lazy. T_T It takes up quite a while because I want it to be perfect all the time! D:<

Oh, and I've been thinking of making a story on The Sims 3. I'll still be doing reviews but I'll also be posting updates on my story. I just need to buy TS3. T_T But if I go on with that plan on creating a story for TS3, should I make a new blog for my sims 3 story or should I just post it all in one blog?
Help? D:



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