Friday 6 May 2011


Hello all! I'm new here, hope that's okay if I'm a noob at blogging. I've never really blogged in my life but I just felt like doing it now.

It was be pretty cheesy if I say "Hope we can all be friends and live happily ever after"
Uhm...yeah, no. That's not really me.

Well, I'll start a bit about myself.

- I love reading manga, omg.
- I like to swim
- FOOOOOOOOOOOD /nuff said.
- Games ftw?
- Random? Very.
- /Hangs out with odd people
- Is hungry AS WE you read?
- Anime is awesome
- One day, I wanna travel around the world.
- Hi!
- I need makeup

So anyways, hope you guys like me. Hopefully I'll be able to entertain you with (?) life.
Now, off to eat!


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