Friday 8 July 2011

Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips Review

Sup guys!
So today, I'm gonna do a review on the Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips (Argghh, the name is so long) So, let's start.
Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips
These pore strips instantly remove pore-clogging dirt, oil and blackheads. I give this a 9/10 simply because it takes out most of that gunk that's been sitting in my pores. Why won't I give it a 10/10? Because it's extremely expensive. Bought mine for $20.00 at Shoppers Drug Mart. You can buy it at your local Wal-Mart, Target or anywhere that has a face cleansing aisle (I don't know what else to call it). I recently found out that there are other cheaper versions of these so I'll try those out since these ones are way too expensive for only 14 strips. That's the only thing I don't like about this. Other than that, these work like magic.
The Packet
Each package come with 6, 8 or 14 strips depending on what you buy. There are also combination packages which contain strips for your nose and forehead. I bought the one that came with 14 nose strips since I tend to get a lot of blackheads in that area.. The packet makes sure your strip stays a bit moistened. When you open it, be sure to use it immediatly when it's soft because the strip will become hard within about 15 minutes prior to opening to packet making it difficult to put on your nose.
Instructions On Packet
There are instructions on each packet, and also at the back of the package. Be sure to follow each step! Oh, and I recommend using warm water to loosen the blackheads making it easier for the strip to take off the gunk. (Nice word, I know eh?)
Hamz Holding the Pore Strip
This pore strip is specifically for the nose. I guess you could use it elsewhere one the body'll just look weird since it's curved. Now for putting it on...
The Strip On My Nose
Let the strip sit on your nose for 10-15 minutes or until it feels like paper mâché.
Now for the fun part...taking it off!
Let me warn you, the first time you use it, it will hurt like hell but I've been using this for years now (kind of on and off, I've been using it more, recently) so I'm immune to the pain when taking it off.
The Gunk!
So this is the aftermath. My pores feel refreshed once again because most of the gunk came out. By the way...there's a satisfying feeling when you look at all the pore-clogging dirt that's come out of your nose. I don't know why but I like to stare at it for a long time and think "haha, you lil bishies." I'm an oddball, I know.
That's what's been sitting in my nose for the past 4 days.
I recommend using this once every 3 days because when I started re-using the pore strips again (about 3 months ago), I had way more come out of my nose than this but it's been reducing lately which is definitely a good sign!
Be sure to wash your nose with cold water or get an ice cube and rub it on your nose to close up your pores.

That's it, thanks for reading~


1 comment:

  1. This review's amazing ;DD I really wanna try out those strips 'cuz they seem to be kinda good ... do you know if I can purchase them in Europe?

    And OMG, ur hamster is soooo cute <3 (reminds me of Christine LMAO)
