Thursday 9 February 2012

Vitamin E

Hey guys! Long time no see. So I've heard a lot about Vitamin E and how it lightens your hyper pigmentation (what most people call "scars" from acne).

Let me start off and say that Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin meaning that whatever your body doesn't use up is transferred to the liver. Overdosing on a fat-soluble vitamin can lead to serious health problems so intake only what it says on the bottle.

It is an anti-oxidant which protects the cells from free radical damage.

I used it topically and internally. I still swallow the pill every morning, although I have stopped using it topically because it seemed to have made my hyper pigmentation even more pigmented.

Some people say that it has helped with their acne scars but there is no full-proof studies to show that it actually helps with scars. But some people swear by it so I tried it.

Sad to say that it hasn't helped my acne scars. I stopped using it around a bit more than a week and I have better results just using my yogurt masque and cleanser.

I've started using lemon topically so i'll update you guys on that.



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