Thursday 9 February 2012

Lemons To Help Acne Scars

Okay. So I've been doing a lot of stuff on my face lately but they're all natural (except for my cleanser. I still use Spectro Jel) and since my pigmentation hasn't gotten any better, I decided today that I'd use the ultimate power of lemons.

Yes, lemons lighten and even out your skin tone. It's also high in vitamin C so being a home-remedy-junkie, I decided to try it as my toner.

First thing I noticed was that it wass really itchy even if I diluted it with water. I was like ZOMGWTFITCHYYYY but I didn't dare scratch it because I'm scared that it would cause irritation to my already irritated acne and make my already glowing red marks, even more red. Blood red even.

I've also noticed that I can blot every 3 hours. My face is super-ew-oily. I have to blot between blocks at school (which is about an hour and a half). My face produces more oil than the Middle East. No joke.
So anyways, this is a big deal for me because I hate blotting my face because every time I blot my face, my face gets oilier the next time I blot it and so the cycle goes.

Since I've only used it twice today (one in the morning, one at night) I can't say much about it lightening my scars so I'll update you guys on that in a bit.


  1. hi the best thing for your skin, to reduce oiliness and also heal redness is oatmeal masks. lemon is good too but try the oatmeal masks. you put raw oatmeal in the blender (dry) and grind to powder. put that powder in a plastic container and keep in your bathroom. at night, after you've washed your face, mix a small amount with warm water and spread on your face. doesn't have to be a thick mask. keep on for about an hour and rinse. over time, you will notice that the oil production on your face is reduced.

    1. Thank you for the tip! :D I'll definitely try that!

  2. A facial gel with salt ions, sugars, lipids (fats), hormones, amino acids, amines (protiens), enzymes and metals can help with the acne with the hormones reducing the amount of oil secreted and the chance to break out while the other ingredients can break up the oil and help clear up the remaining acne.
