Thursday 9 February 2012

Lemons To Help Acne Scars

Okay. So I've been doing a lot of stuff on my face lately but they're all natural (except for my cleanser. I still use Spectro Jel) and since my pigmentation hasn't gotten any better, I decided today that I'd use the ultimate power of lemons.

Yes, lemons lighten and even out your skin tone. It's also high in vitamin C so being a home-remedy-junkie, I decided to try it as my toner.

First thing I noticed was that it wass really itchy even if I diluted it with water. I was like ZOMGWTFITCHYYYY but I didn't dare scratch it because I'm scared that it would cause irritation to my already irritated acne and make my already glowing red marks, even more red. Blood red even.

I've also noticed that I can blot every 3 hours. My face is super-ew-oily. I have to blot between blocks at school (which is about an hour and a half). My face produces more oil than the Middle East. No joke.
So anyways, this is a big deal for me because I hate blotting my face because every time I blot my face, my face gets oilier the next time I blot it and so the cycle goes.

Since I've only used it twice today (one in the morning, one at night) I can't say much about it lightening my scars so I'll update you guys on that in a bit.

Vitamin E

Hey guys! Long time no see. So I've heard a lot about Vitamin E and how it lightens your hyper pigmentation (what most people call "scars" from acne).

Let me start off and say that Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin meaning that whatever your body doesn't use up is transferred to the liver. Overdosing on a fat-soluble vitamin can lead to serious health problems so intake only what it says on the bottle.

It is an anti-oxidant which protects the cells from free radical damage.

I used it topically and internally. I still swallow the pill every morning, although I have stopped using it topically because it seemed to have made my hyper pigmentation even more pigmented.

Some people say that it has helped with their acne scars but there is no full-proof studies to show that it actually helps with scars. But some people swear by it so I tried it.

Sad to say that it hasn't helped my acne scars. I stopped using it around a bit more than a week and I have better results just using my yogurt masque and cleanser.

I've started using lemon topically so i'll update you guys on that.


Sunday 8 January 2012

Yogurt Masque

Hey guys!
I think many of you know about the popular yogurt face masque and it's endless benefits for your skin.
So I've been doing the Yogurt Face Masque this past week and I can say for sure, that I'm seeing really good results. 

I've been using it everyday this past week. Just plain organic greek yogurt (be sure you buy just plain yogurt. Flavoured yogurt contain all sorts of weird ingredients that you do not want on your face) and slather it all over my face and neck.

My acne scars are getting noticeably less visible and my skin feels so smooth and plump. Even after the first use.

A lot of people add honey and/or a few drops of lemon to enhance its use, but I like to keep it to a minimum and just slather the plain yogurt all over my face.

What yogurt is good for:
  • Contains lactic acid (softens skin, reduce wrinkles, and moisturizes dry spots)
  • Rich in zinc (good for acne ► calms your skin)
  • Lighten acne scars

How I use the masque:
  • Wash my hands and face before use (with luke-warm water)
  • Place about 2 tsp. of yogurt in a small bowl
  • Use my hands (or you can use a brush) to spread the yogurt all over my face (don't be afraid to go a little overboard and slather thick layers on your face)
  • Wait for 10-20 minutes before rinsing with luke-warm water
  • After all of the yogurt is gone, I like to splash cold water all over my face and neck to close my pores
  • Use moisturizer to lock in all of the added moisture (I use Jojoba Oil as my moisturizer)
And that's it. I'll update you guys on how it's going next week

Yeah, I was too lazy to update haha but here it is.
I can truthfully say that my acne scars have lightened on my cheeks (it may be because I use this in conjunction with my pure vitamin E topical spot treatment), not to mention my face feels super soft. Most of the blackheads on my forehead have diminished completely but there are still quite a few on my nose. Pimples have been calming down.

UPDATE 2/09/12:
It's been a month and I can safely say that my acne has calmed down a lot. I only have a few active ones but I still have many bright red pigmentation left by the acne. The blackheads on my forehead have not come back and there's still a lot on my nose.