Wednesday 18 May 2011

LD♥K Obsession

Hey guys, this is my first manga review, truth be told, this is gonna be emberassing as I've never reviewed anything before but I thought I'd do this because I'm seriously obsessed with this manga, named LD♥K. It's absolutely amazing! Speaking of manga, I finally reached reading 300 mangas! Woohoo!!!
Okay, on to LD♥K
Isn't this cover totally hot? Oh mah gawd. *Dies*
Genre is Shoujo (Duhz), Romance, School Life & Comedy (No kidding, it can be hilarious!!!) [Yars, no smut! <--- not a big smut fan]
This manga is about a girl named Aoi, who lives in an apartment, alone because she didn't want to leave her friends (her parents are still alive but they moved elsewhere). So one day, her best friend confesses to the prince of the school Shuuesi, but gets coldly turned down. Aoi, the fiesty woman she is, is not content with him being cold to her friend. Turns out, Shuusei is her next door neighbour. (Woooooo I made my own summary of the story...yeah...I totally suck with summaries HAHA)
There are currently 10 chapters (in english) and I'm eagerly waiting for the 11th one. When I mean eagerly, I mean checking everyday to see if it's been updated. You can easily read it on mangafox or other manga hosting sites but for those of you who are extremely lazy (like me) I'll be nice and post the link (ONLY because I'm obsessed, nothing else....pshhh): Click here~
That's all I'm gonna say for now. 8) Buahaha but seriously, you have to read it! I got hooked after reading the first 3 pages. If you don't read it, then go eat pie! (Yes, that's generally what I use for insults) By the way, LDK stands for Living, Dining, Kitchen. It won't make sense unless you read it. Yeahhh? Yeahhh??? *Poke* *Poke* *Nudge* *Nudge*
If you guys want me to review other manga, comment below. (:
Ciao for now~

Friday 6 May 2011

Make-up Contest?

My fav! So I was browsing through youtube about BB Cream and I come across this really awesome girl who used Skin79 BB Cream. I was listening to her reviews and clicked on the description box below and WA-BAM. (Okay, that was lame, I've gotta admit) and epicly enough, she has her own blog on blogger. :)
Annnnddd apparently she has a contest and OMG, so phsyched, seriously. Click here and check it out.
I was so excited just staring at all those asian stuff...and high-end make-up.
Ahhh, so exciting. I honestly love contests, regardless of the prize.
But it's make-up, and I definitely cannot live without it...okay, maybe I can but make-up is my inspiration. I know we're all naturally beautiful but I like how make-up enhances that beauty.
Well, thanks for reading~!


Hello all! I'm new here, hope that's okay if I'm a noob at blogging. I've never really blogged in my life but I just felt like doing it now.

It was be pretty cheesy if I say "Hope we can all be friends and live happily ever after"
Uhm...yeah, no. That's not really me.

Well, I'll start a bit about myself.

- I love reading manga, omg.
- I like to swim
- FOOOOOOOOOOOD /nuff said.
- Games ftw?
- Random? Very.
- /Hangs out with odd people
- Is hungry AS WE you read?
- Anime is awesome
- One day, I wanna travel around the world.
- Hi!
- I need makeup

So anyways, hope you guys like me. Hopefully I'll be able to entertain you with (?) life.
Now, off to eat!