Saturday 29 October 2011


So my computer just decides that a few days ago was okay to let me download my sims. I have absolutely no clue how it happened, but it just did. So my CD ram thing is working again.
Ohhhh the joy of not having to pay hundreds of dollars because I thought my computer was broken.
Anyways, I'm going to create another blog site on blogger for my sims 3 story, so that's something to look forward too.
Anyways, that's my update for today! I'll post the link ASAP! (:


Sunday 9 October 2011


Okay, so it's not COMPLETELY broken's considered broken by  my standards.
The disk thingy is broken. >_> I can't download the sims or play DVD's or do shiz. It suckkkssss so I'm gonna get it repaired. Can't wait for my story to launch. :3 I'm gonna make another site for that. This'll just be my daily blabs and reviews from time to time.

So don't worry ya'll. I'll still be here.


Saturday 1 October 2011

Happy Birthday to....Me!

Well, it's finally my birthday!
Sweet 16 baby~
Hah, ohya, that's my crown right there.

And my facebook's getting raped by birthday comments. Man oh man do I feel old. Well...older than the kids who are younger than me. ;)
Me ;D

So here's a little update since I haven't posted reviews on shiz in such a long time. Just wanted to shout out to ya'll that it's my birthday. (Did I just type "ya'll"? That's so unCanadian)

I don't know when the next review will be. I'm so lazy. T_T It takes up quite a while because I want it to be perfect all the time! D:<

Oh, and I've been thinking of making a story on The Sims 3. I'll still be doing reviews but I'll also be posting updates on my story. I just need to buy TS3. T_T But if I go on with that plan on creating a story for TS3, should I make a new blog for my sims 3 story or should I just post it all in one blog?
Help? D:
