Thursday 16 June 2011

Riot in Vancouver

So yesturday, I went to downtown Vancouver with my buds to watch the hockey game. It was really fun watching the big screen at Canada Place. So it's the Stanly Cup, right? We're all cheering like there's no tomorrow even though it's 4-0. People are disappointed but it's a game, right? There's always next year and besides, the Canucks did a really good job. We stayed till the end but unfortunatly, we didn't win the Stanly Cup. But good job to Bruins. I love the 'Nucks so I'll continue to support them.
 So then some idiots in Canucks jerseys decide it would be fun to trash VanCity. I wasn't there. I went home right after the game because I kind of expected a riot but I didn't think it would be this big. So my friends and I went to the seabus terminal and all of a sudden, these two guys start punching each other and going at it for a few minutes but luckily the police was there to stop them.
Then on the seabus we hear rumors of a car being lit on fire and the police using tear gas, which was all true.
Once I got home, I rushed to the TV to check out the news. It was already on Global news (oh gawd) and checked CTV to see more damage being done. Apparently they lost count on how many cars were set on fire. There were lots of looting too from M.A.C. (noooo, one of my fav stores!), London Drugs, The Bay, Sears and many other stores.
Police had a hard time calming down the mobs because a lot of people were using drugs and had access to alcohol.

Vancouver was a total mess last night because of some sore losers and I swear they're not  Vancouverites. We're much better than this because today, many people went to downtown to clean up our beautiful city. It's emberassing and disappointing but we'll pass this because Vancouver is a great city with a wonderful community.

Saturday 4 June 2011


So the Canucks, eh?

Yup, that's right, we scored a goal today so now it's 2-2 with Boston. The Stanly Cup is getting everyone nervous and, oh man, I don't even have to watch the game to know we scored. Everyone just keeps on screaming like there's no tomorrow. I would love to buy a Canucks jersey...but it's extremely expensive, seriously. Anyways, Go Canucks Go! We'll definitely win this, just wait and see.